23rd August Open Shoot Guidelines

Covid-19   |   July 2020

General precautions

  • Anyone that has been in contact with someone who has, or is suspected as having, Covid-19 must NOT come to the course/woods. 
  • Anyone who has the recognised symptoms of Covid-19 must NOT come to the course/woods. 
  • We recommend that anyone that has vulnerable people living at home should not come to the course/woods. 
  • You MUST bring your own hand sanitiser with you for use during shooting.
  • Hand sanitiser must be used before and after touching any common surfaces that other archers may come in contact with.
  • Masks are recommended, but not mandatory.
  • Toilets will be available, but hand sanitisation must be strictly adhered to. 
  • The club will provide foaming hand sanitiser at base camp and in the toilet. This is there as a back up should you misplace or lose your own hand sanitiser whilst out in the woods. Do not remove the sanitiser bottles from the base camp or toilet.

Procedure for using the course is as follows and MUST be adhered to:

  1. Places must be pre-booked and pre-paid online at www.booking.blaidd.info/
  2. You must not turn up on spec and hope to shoot, this is not allowed. The maximum number of people allowed in the wood at one time will be determined by the number of places and the time slots allocated to you.
  3. Your arrival time and start time will be allocated to you. We will try and keep group booking together. 
  4. If other people are in the car park, social distancing must be applied, this is also the case when passing the houses on the way to the wood and should you meet anyone else whist in the woods.
  5. The gates that give us access to the woods should be open, if not, hand sanitise before and after touching the gates. 
  6. If using disposable gloves, they are to be taken home with you.
  7. Gloves are not mandatory when shooting, but you must use hand sanitiser once you have removed your gloves and also before and after touching any common surface with your bare hands, this includes the targets, any seating or surfaces around base camp, the toilet and the shed.
  8. You must not lend, borrow or swap any equipment with archers you are with
  9. You must always pull your own arrows. Approach the target one at a time, pull your own arrows, then stand 2 metres away to allow the other person to pull their arrows.
  10. Whenever possible, you must not touch the targets or bosses with bare hands. If you think you need to, you must sanitise your hands before and after doing so.
  11. Lost arrows. You can help to find other archers arrows, but you must use an arrow rake of your own and upon finding the arrow notify the archer to retrieve it. If you find a different arrow from the one you are looking for, you can retrieve it as long as you sanitise your hands before and after touching it and after leaving it in the arrow bin or pass it to a marshal.
  12. No shooting guests are allowed. 
  13. Should Government guidance change and impose more restrictions, that advice will supersede this document

If you feel you cannot comply with these guidelines you MUST not book a slot to shoot.

Anyone found to not be observing these guidelines will be asked to leave the woods.

Blaidd Field Archers Committee

Full NFAS guidelines can be downloaded here. 2020 07 15 NFAS Announcement